The Graph Partitioning Archive

Welcome to the University of Greenwich Graph Partitioning Archive. The archive consists of the best partitions found to date for a range of graphs and its aim is to provide a benchmark against which partitioning algorithms can be tested and as a resource for experimentation.

Partitions computed for the colouring test suite in [Wal01] are contained in a separate annexe.

The archive was initially set up as part of a research project into very high quality partitions and authors wishing to refer to the partitioning archive should cite the paper [SWC00].

Problem definition

Let G = G(V,E) be an undirected graph of vertices V, with edges E. We assume that both vertices and edges can be weighted and that |v| denotes the weight of a vertex v and similarly for edges and sets of vertices and edges. However, it is often the case that vertices and edges are given unit weights, |v|=1 for all v in V and |e|=1 for all e in E and indeed so far this is true for all of the example graphs. A partition of the graph is a mapping of V into P disjoint subdomains S_p such that the union of S_p = V. The weight of a subdomain is just the sum of the weights of the vertices in the subdomain, |S_p| = sum |v| and the set of inter-subdomain or cut edges (i.e. edges cut by the partition) is denoted by E_c.

The usual objective of graph partitioning is to find a partition which evenly balances the vertex weight in each subdomain whilst minimising the total weight of cut edges or cut-weight, |E_c|. To evenly balance the vertex weight, the optimal subdomain weight is given by S_opt := ceil(|V|/P) (where the ceiling function ceil(x) returns the smallest integer greater than x). The graph partitioning problem can then be specified as: find a partition of G such that |E_c| is minimised subject to the constraint that |S_p| <= S_opt.

In fact it has been noted for some time that partition quality can often be improved if a certain amount of imbalance is allowed, [ST97]. The imbalance is defined as the maximum subdomain weight, S' = max |S_p|, divided by the optimal, S_opt. If we allow x% imbalance then the partitioning problem becomes: find a partition of G such that |E_c| is minimised subject to the constraint that |S_p| <= S_opt.(100+x)/100.

The graph partitioning problem arises in many applications such as VLSI circuit design, data mining and parallel computing. In the latter case the subdomains are mapped to processors and the cut-weight then approximates the total communication volume. However, there is some discussion about whether this is the most appropriate metric for partitioning, e.g. [HK], and indeed it is unlikely that any one metric is appropriate. Currently in the archive, the quality of partitions is determined by cut-weight, however, there is no reason why it should not be extended to incorporate partitions which minimise different cost functions.


The archive welcomes submissions of either partition files, graph files or both. Partition files will be validated and added to the archive if they improve on a particular result. In this context improvement is File for submission should be made available on a web site or ftp site and a mail message indicating their presence sent to Chris Walshaw. If this is not possible the files may be mailed directly. Submitted files should also include some indication of how the partition was derived which, if a public domain software package, may be subject to verification. The archive reserves the right not to accepted submitted files (either for reasons of disk space or for other unspecified reasons).

Archived partitions

The best partitions found to date are listed in 4 tables corresponding to 0% imbalance (perfect balance), 1% imbalance, 3% imbalance and 5% imbalance. For each graph, partitions into 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64 subdomains are given and have the format
C (S') [M]
where C is the cut-weight, S' is the weight of the largest subdomain and M is the method/software that produced the partition. The cut-weight also provides a link to the partition file. The format of the partition file is a list of |V| integers {p}, with 0 <= p < P, and each denoting the subdomain to which the corresponding vertex has been assigned (e.g. if the integer on line 200 is 0 then vertex number 200 is in subdomain 0).


The software that produced the partitions is denoted as follows
GrdyFarhat's Greedy algorithm (as implemented within JOSTLE)[Far88]
RCBRecursive Coordinate Bisection (as implemented within JOSTLE)[Sim91]
MRSBBarnard & Simon's Multilevel Recursive Spectral Bisection[BS94]
Ch2.0CHACO - multilevel Kernighan-Lin (recursive bisection); version 2.0 (October 1995)[HL95]
pM4.0p-METIS - multilevel Kernighan-Lin (recursive bisection); available as part of METIS version 4.0 (September 1998)[KK98a]
kM4.0k-METIS - multilevel Kernighan-Lin (k-way); available as part of METIS version 4.0 (September 1998)[KK98b]
GTSStephane Popinet's multilevel implementation available as part of the GNU Triangulated Surface Library-
J2.2JOSTLE - multilevel Kernighan-Lin (k-way); version 2.2 (March 2000)[WC00]
iJiterated JOSTLE - iterated multilevel Kernighan-Lin (k-way)[Wal01]
JEJOSTLE Evolutionary - combined evolutionary/multilevel scheme[SWC00]
GrPartAlexander Kozhushkin's implementation of iterative multilevel Kernighan-Lin-
MLSATSMultiLevel refinated Mixed Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search[BGOM03]
AMGA bisection algorithm based on classical Algebraic MultiGrid from S. Wishko, A. Brandt and D. Ron-
MQIMax-flow Quotient-cut Improvement, a bisection algorithm from K. Lang & S. Rao, which uses many multiple tries and improves an initial partition provided by METIS[LR04]
SDPA semi-definite programming approach together with a max-flow algorithm from K. Lang & S. Rao-
mpM4.0Multiple runs (6561) of a randomised version of p-Metis; results provided by K. Lang & S. Rao-
N/Anot available/recorded (probably JOSTLE Evolutionary)-
Note that a certain amount of care needs to be taken with the attribution of a result to a particular method. For example the finan512 graph with P = 4 is attributed to CHACO 2.0 although an equivalent quality partition was also found by p-METIS, k-METIS, JOSTLE 2.2, JOSTLE Evolutionary and iterated JOSTLE. Attribution is thus given to the earliest method which found it but does not imply that an equivalent quality partition has not been found by a more recent method. The results were added into the archive in the order shown in the table (which is approximately the order in which the methods and software were developed).



R. Banos, C. Gil, J. Ortega, and F. G. Montoya. Multilevel Heuristic Algorithm for Graph Partitioning. In 3rd European Workshop on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization, volume 2611 of LNCS, pages 143-153. Springer, Berlin, 2003.

S. T. Barnard and H. D. Simon. A Fast Multilevel Implementation of Recursive Spectral Bisection for Partitioning Unstructured Problems. Concurrency: Practice & Experience, 6(2):101-117, 1994.

C. Farhat. A Simple and Efficient Automatic FEM Domain Decomposer. Comput. & Structures, 28(5):579-602, 1988.

B. Hendrickson and T. G. Kolda. Graph Partitioning Models for Parallel Computing. Parallel Comput., 26(12):1519-1534, 2000.

B. Hendrickson and R. Leland. A Multilevel Algorithm for Partitioning Graphs. In S. Karin, editor, Proc. Supercomputing '95, San Diego. ACM Press, New York, 1995.

G. Karypis and V. Kumar. A Fast and High Quality Multilevel Scheme for Partitioning Irregular Graphs. SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 20(1):359-392, 1998.

G. Karypis and V. Kumar. Multilevel k-way Partitioning Scheme for Irregular Graphs. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput., 48(1):96-129, 1998.

K. Lang and S. Rao. A flow-based method for improving the expansion or conductance of graph cuts. 2004.

H. D. Simon. Partitioning of Unstructured Problems for Parallel Processing. Computing Systems Engrg., 2:135-148, 1991.

H. D. Simon and S.-H. Teng. How Good is Recursive Bisection? SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 18(5):1436-1445, 1997.

A. J. Soper, C. Walshaw, and M. Cross. A Combined Evolutionary Search and Multilevel Optimisation Approach to Graph Partitioning. (to appear in J. Global Optimization; originally published as Univ. Greenwich Tech. Rep. 00/IM/58), 2000.

C. Walshaw. Multilevel Refinement for Combinatorial Optimisation Problems. (To appear in Annals Oper. Res.; originally published as Univ. Greenwich Tech. Rep. 01/IM/73), 2001.

C. Walshaw and M. Cross. Mesh Partitioning: a Multilevel Balancing and Refinement Algorithm. SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 22(1):63-80, 2000. (originally published as Univ. Greenwich Tech. Rep. 98/IM/35).

Test Graphs

The test graphs are taken from various sources and listed in the table below. Graphs for which the original source is bracketted appear to be no longer available at that site. However all the graph files are also available from this site converted into a standard format. This format is the same as used by JOSTLE, CHACO & METIS and is described in the JOSTLE userguide.

graph |V| |E| original source
add20 2395 7462
data 2851 15093
3elt 4720 13722 (
uk 4824 6837
add32 4960 9462
bcsstk33 8738 291583
whitaker3 9800 28989 (
crack 10240 30380
wing_nodal 10937 75488
fe_4elt2 11143 32818 (
vibrobox 12328 165250
bcsstk29 13992 302748
4elt 15606 45878 (
fe_sphere 16386 49152 (
cti 16840 48232
memplus 17758 54196
cs4 22499 43858
bcsstk30 28924 1007284
bcsstk31 35588 572914
fe_pwt 36519 144794 (
bcsstk32 44609 985046
fe_body 45087 163734 (
t60k 60005 89440
wing 62032 121544
brack2 62631 366559 (
finan512 74752 261120
fe_tooth 78136 452591 (
fe_rotor 99617 662431 (
598a 110971 741934
fe_ocean 143437 409593 (
144 144649 1074393
wave 156317 1059331 (
m14b 214765 1679018
auto 448695 3314611

Results with up to 0% imbalance
S_max <= 1.00 x S_opt

graph 2 4 8 16 32 64
add20 612 (1198) [MQI] 1203 (599) [JE] 1758 (300) [iJ] 2216 (150) [iJ] 2765 (75) [JE] 3266 (38) [JE]
data 191 (1426) [mpM4.0] 429 (713) [iJ] 728 (357) [iJ] 1245 (179) [Ch2.0] 2004 (90) [iJ] 3016 (45) [iJ]
3elt 90 (2360) [JE] 201 (1180) [JE] 349 (590) [JE] 589 (295) [JE] 972 (148) [JE] 1594 (74) [iJ]
uk 20 (2412) [mpM4.0] 44 (1206) [JE] 91 (603) [JE] 162 (302) [JE] 286 (151) [JE] 456 (76) [iJ]
add32 11 (2480) [Ch2.0] 37 (1240) [pM4.0] 75 (620) [JE] 121 (310) [Ch2.0] 234 (155) [JE] 720 (78) [Ch2.0]
bcsstk33 10172 (4369) [mpM4.0] 21956 (2185) [iJ] 35088 (1093) [iJ] 56973 (547) [iJ] 80099 (274) [iJ] 109585 (137) [iJ]
whitaker3 127 (4900) [JE] 382 (2450) [JE] 664 (1225) [JE] 1110 (613) [JE] 1719 (307) [JE] 2579 (154) [iJ]
crack 184 (5120) [JE] 368 (2560) [JE] 687 (1280) [JE] 1124 (640) [JE] 1768 (320) [JE] 2696 (160) [iJ]
wing_nodal 1707 (5469) [JE] 3581 (2735) [JE] 5443 (1368) [JE] 8422 (684) [JE] 12228 (342) [iJ] 16373 (171) [iJ]
fe_4elt2 130 (5572) [MRSB] 349 (2786) [JE] 617 (1393) [JE] 1028 (697) [JE] 1677 (349) [JE] 2537 (175) [iJ]
vibrobox 10343 (6164) [JE] 19245 (3082) [JE] 25468 (1541) [iJ] 33468 (771) [iJ] 43786 (386) [JE] 51101 (193) [JE]
bcsstk29 2843 (6996) [mpM4.0] 8786 (3498) [MRSB] 16832 (1749) [iJ] 24706 (875) [iJ] 38535 (438) [iJ] 61252 (219) [iJ]
4elt 139 (7803) [JE] 327 (3902) [JE] 556 (1951) [JE] 968 (976) [JE] 1606 (488) [JE] 2702 (244) [iJ]
fe_sphere 386 (8193) [JE] 773 (4097) [N/A] 1193 (2049) [JE] 1750 (1025) [JE] 2567 (513) [JE] 3663 (257) [JE]
cti 334 (8420) [JE] 977 (4210) [JE] 1812 (2105) [JE] 2915 (1053) [JE] 4460 (527) [iJ] 6277 (264) [iJ]
memplus 5538 (8879) [JE] 9754 (4440) [JE] 12095 (2220) [iJ] 13742 (1110) [JE] 14830 (555) [iJ] 17446 (278) [JE]
cs4 372 (11250) [JE] 964 (5625) [JE] 1496 (2813) [JE] 2206 (1407) [JE] 3110 (704) [iJ] 4223 (352) [iJ]
bcsstk30 6394 (14462) [JE] 16652 (7231) [JE] 34921 (3616) [JE] 72007 (1808) [JE] 120580 (904) [JE] 184855 (452) [JE]
bcsstk31 2768 (17794) [mpM4.0] 8322 (8897) [iJ] 14426 (4449) [pM4.0] 25491 (2225) [iJ] 39440 (1113) [iJ] 63998 (557) [iJ]
fe_pwt 340 (18260) [GrPart] 709 (9130) [JE] 1465 (4565) [JE] 2855 (2283) [JE] 5848 (1142) [iJ] 8495 (571) [iJ]
bcsstk32 4667 (22305) [JE] 10578 (11153) [JE] 22826 (5577) [JE] 40275 (2789) [JE] 66407 (1395) [JE] 102820 (698) [JE]
fe_body 262 (22544) [MQI] 703 (11272) [pM4.0] 1315 (5636) [iJ] 2117 (2818) [iJ] 3432 (1409) [iJ] 5588 (705) [iJ]
t60k 80 (30003) [JE] 216 (15002) [JE] 480 (7501) [JE] 892 (3751) [iJ] 1453 (1876) [iJ] 2277 (938) [iJ]
wing 791 (31016) [MQI] 1666 (15508) [JE] 2589 (7754) [JE] 4198 (3877) [JE] 6104 (1939) [iJ] 8203 (970) [iJ]
brack2 731 (31316) [JE] 3090 (15658) [JE] 7269 (7829) [JE] 12324 (3915) [JE] 18421 (1958) [iJ] 27881 (979) [iJ]
finan512 162 (37376) [Ch2.0] 324 (18688) [Ch2.0] 648 (9344) [Ch2.0] 1296 (4672) [Ch2.0] 2592 (2336) [Ch2.0] 11192 (1168) [pM4.0]
fe_tooth 3850 (39068) [mpM4.0] 7605 (19534) [iJ] 12850 (9767) [iJ] 18804 (4884) [iJ] 26642 (2442) [iJ] 36766 (1221) [iJ]
fe_rotor 2103 (49809) [mpM4.0] 8097 (24905) [Ch2.0] 14953 (12453) [Ch2.0] 21241 (6227) [iJ] 34320 (3114) [iJ] 52626 (1557) [pM4.0]
598a 2411 (55486) [MQI] 8379 (27743) [Ch2.0] 17223 (13872) [Ch2.0] 28152 (6936) [iJ] 42088 (3468) [iJ] 59708 (1734) [iJ]
fe_ocean 465 (71719) [mpM4.0] 1923 (35860) [JE] 4760 (17930) [N/A] 8622 (8965) [iJ] 14277 (4483) [iJ] 22301 (2242) [iJ]
144 6491 (72325) [MQI] 15964 (36163) [N/A] 27751 (18082) [N/A] 39856 (9041) [N/A] 58659 (4521) [iJ] 82123 (2261) [iJ]
wave 8735 (78159) [SDP] 18774 (39080) [iJ] 32204 (19540) [iJ] 47277 (9770) [iJ] 66891 (4885) [iJ] 91784 (2443) [iJ]
m14b 3836 (107383) [MQI] 14013 (53692) [Ch2.0] 28128 (26846) [pM4.0] 45362 (13423) [iJ] 68468 (6712) [N/A] 103946 (3356) [iJ]
auto 10173 (224348) [MQI] 29409 (112174) [iJ] 53326 (56087) [pM4.0] 83748 (28044) [iJ] 131236 (14022) [iJ] 182934 (7011) [iJ]

Results with up to 1% imbalance
S_max <= 1.01 x S_opt

graph 2 4 8 16 32 64
add20 607 (1209) [MQI] 1203 (599) [JE] 1758 (300) [iJ] 2216 (150) [iJ] 2765 (75) [JE] 3266 (38) [JE]
data 188 (1438) [AMG] 425 (717) [iJ] 719 (358) [iJ] 1245 (179) [Ch2.0] 2004 (90) [iJ] 3016 (45) [iJ]
3elt 89 (2382) [GrPart] 199 (1186) [JE] 349 (590) [JE] 589 (295) [JE] 972 (148) [JE] 1594 (74) [iJ]
uk 19 (2414) [AMG] 44 (1206) [JE] 86 (608) [JE] 157 (305) [JE] 285 (152) [iJ] 456 (76) [iJ]
add32 10 (2481) [J2.2] 33 (1241) [JE] 69 (621) [JE] 117 (311) [JE] 212 (156) [JE] 720 (78) [Ch2.0]
bcsstk33 10109 (4407) [GrPart] 21685 (2203) [iJ] 35088 (1093) [iJ] 55546 (551) [iJ] 79121 (275) [iJ] 109585 (137) [iJ]
whitaker3 126 (4908) [JE] 380 (2458) [JE] 660 (1231) [JE] 1110 (613) [JE] 1719 (307) [JE] 2579 (154) [iJ]
crack 183 (5161) [AMG] 368 (2560) [JE] 678 (1291) [N/A] 1124 (640) [JE] 1707 (323) [iJ] 2623 (161) [iJ]
wing_nodal 1696 (5522) [MQI] 3572 (2747) [JE] 5443 (1368) [JE] 8422 (684) [JE] 12228 (342) [iJ] 16221 (172) [iJ]
fe_4elt2 130 (5572) [MRSB] 349 (2786) [JE] 611 (1402) [iJ] 1028 (697) [JE] 1677 (349) [JE] 2537 (175) [iJ]
vibrobox 10310 (6184) [JE] 19245 (3082) [JE] 25001 (1556) [iJ] 33468 (771) [iJ] 43415 (388) [JE] 50849 (194) [JE]
bcsstk29 2818 (7008) [GrPart] 8786 (3498) [MRSB] 16505 (1758) [iJ] 24706 (875) [iJ] 37810 (441) [iJ] 60795 (220) [iJ]
4elt 138 (7844) [GrPart] 327 (3902) [JE] 556 (1951) [JE] 961 (985) [iJ] 1606 (488) [JE] 2689 (246) [iJ]
fe_sphere 386 (8193) [JE] 768 (4098) [N/A] 1152 (2060) [JE] 1730 (1033) [iJ] 2565 (516) [iJ] 3663 (257) [JE]
cti 318 (8480) [JE] 967 (4247) [N/A] 1812 (2105) [JE] 2915 (1053) [JE] 4460 (527) [iJ] 6125 (265) [iJ]
memplus 5492 (8937) [JE] 9754 (4440) [JE] 11939 (2241) [iJ] 13742 (1110) [JE] 14830 (555) [iJ] 17446 (278) [JE]
cs4 367 (11351) [JE] 940 (5638) [JE] 1476 (2840) [N/A] 2206 (1407) [JE] 3110 (704) [iJ] 4223 (352) [iJ]
bcsstk30 6335 (14603) [GrPart] 16622 (7301) [N/A] 34604 (3649) [JE] 72007 (1808) [JE] 120468 (912) [iJ] 180470 (456) [iJ]
bcsstk31 2701 (17965) [GrPart] 7879 (8898) [pM4.0] 14426 (4449) [pM4.0] 25491 (2225) [iJ] 39440 (1113) [iJ] 63626 (561) [iJ]
fe_pwt 340 (18260) [GrPart] 705 (9139) [JE] 1442 (4583) [JE] 2855 (2283) [JE] 5779 (1152) [iJ] 8454 (576) [iJ]
bcsstk32 4667 (22305) [JE] 10578 (11153) [JE] 22826 (5577) [JE] 39682 (2790) [JE] 65389 (1407) [iJ] 102820 (698) [JE]
fe_body 262 (22544) [MQI] 703 (11272) [pM4.0] 1197 (5637) [pM4.0] 1981 (2819) [pM4.0] 3370 (1423) [iJ] 5518 (711) [iJ]
t60k 77 (30299) [AMG] 213 (15027) [iJ] 467 (7534) [N/A] 878 (3783) [N/A] 1450 (1892) [iJ] 2277 (938) [iJ]
wing 787 (31278) [MQI] 1666 (15508) [JE] 2589 (7754) [JE] 4198 (3877) [JE] 6074 (1957) [iJ] 8161 (978) [iJ]
brack2 708 (31614) [GrPart] 3090 (15658) [JE] 7269 (7829) [JE] 12324 (3915) [JE] 18421 (1958) [iJ] 27881 (979) [iJ]
finan512 162 (37376) [Ch2.0] 324 (18688) [Ch2.0] 648 (9344) [Ch2.0] 1296 (4672) [Ch2.0] 2592 (2336) [Ch2.0] 11192 (1168) [pM4.0]
fe_tooth 3823 (39456) [SDP] 7435 (19725) [iJ] 12850 (9767) [iJ] 18435 (4928) [iJ] 26642 (2442) [iJ] 36487 (1233) [iJ]
fe_rotor 2049 (50305) [GrPart] 8097 (24905) [Ch2.0] 14028 (12576) [iJ] 20773 (6288) [iJ] 33686 (3144) [iJ] 50912 (1572) [iJ]
598a 2388 (55856) [MQI] 8311 (27985) [N/A] 16594 (14010) [iJ] 27344 (7005) [iJ] 41124 (3502) [iJ] 59152 (1751) [iJ]
fe_ocean 387 (72425) [GrPart] 1911 (36195) [N/A] 4760 (17930) [N/A] 8507 (9049) [iJ] 13767 (4526) [iJ] 21854 (2263) [iJ]
144 6479 (72980) [MQI] 15345 (36366) [N/A] 25818 (18201) [N/A] 39856 (9041) [N/A] 58659 (4521) [iJ] 81145 (2268) [N/A]
wave 8682 (78934) [MQI] 18058 (39395) [iJ] 32204 (19540) [iJ] 46903 (9860) [iJ] 65926 (4933) [iJ] 91304 (2466) [iJ]
m14b 3826 (107831) [MQI] 14013 (53692) [Ch2.0] 28128 (26846) [pM4.0] 44515 (13433) [N/A] 68468 (6712) [N/A] 101980 (3382) [N/A]
auto 10042 (226571) [SDP] 29158 (112676) [iJ] 53158 (56646) [iJ] 82901 (28256) [iJ] 130818 (14160) [iJ] 182890 (7079) [iJ]

Results with up to 3% imbalance
S_max <= 1.03 x S_opt

graph 2 4 8 16 32 64
add20 579 (1233) [MQI] 1188 (616) [JE] 1720 (308) [iJ] 2216 (150) [iJ] 2758 (76) [JE] 3266 (38) [JE]
data 185 (1465) [AMG] 383 (733) [iJ] 708 (367) [iJ] 1195 (183) [Ch2.0] 1970 (91) [iJ] 2911 (46) [iJ]
3elt 87 (2398) [JE] 199 (1186) [JE] 336 (607) [JE] 566 (303) [JE] 958 (151) [N/A] 1552 (75) [N/A]
uk 18 (2455) [JE] 41 (1228) [JE] 82 (620) [JE] 154 (308) [N/A] 265 (155) [N/A] 455 (77) [iJ]
add32 10 (2481) [J2.2] 33 (1241) [JE] 69 (621) [JE] 117 (311) [JE] 212 (156) [JE] 624 (80) [pM4.0]
bcsstk33 10064 (4419) [AMG] 21423 (2250) [iJ] 34322 (1124) [iJ] 55546 (551) [iJ] 79121 (275) [iJ] 109348 (140) [iJ]
whitaker3 126 (4908) [JE] 380 (2458) [JE] 658 (1261) [JE] 1092 (630) [JE] 1686 (315) [JE] 2535 (157) [JE]
crack 182 (5224) [AMG] 360 (2616) [JE] 676 (1309) [JE] 1082 (659) [JE] 1679 (329) [N/A] 2592 (164) [JE]
wing_nodal 1680 (5629) [SDP] 3566 (2796) [JE] 5401 (1407) [JE] 8316 (704) [JE] 12024 (352) [JE] 16221 (172) [iJ]
fe_4elt2 130 (5572) [MRSB] 349 (2786) [JE] 603 (1429) [JE] 1007 (717) [JE] 1651 (358) [JE] 2537 (175) [iJ]
vibrobox 10310 (6184) [JE] 19245 (3082) [JE] 24874 (1587) [JE] 32002 (793) [iJ] 42582 (396) [iJ] 50849 (194) [JE]
bcsstk29 2818 (7008) [GrPart] 8541 (3600) [J2.2] 16505 (1758) [iJ] 24706 (875) [iJ] 37810 (441) [iJ] 58452 (225) [iJ]
4elt 137 (8017) [JE] 319 (3966) [N/A] 527 (2009) [N/A] 916 (1004) [JE] 1537 (502) [JE] 2581 (251) [JE]
fe_sphere 384 (8289) [JE] 766 (4155) [JE] 1152 (2060) [JE] 1706 (1053) [N/A] 2477 (527) [JE] 3547 (263) [JE]
cti 318 (8480) [JE] 917 (4331) [JE] 1716 (2160) [JE] 2778 (1080) [JE] 4236 (542) [iJ] 5992 (271) [iJ]
memplus 5407 (9140) [JE] 9664 (4542) [JE] 11939 (2241) [iJ] 13559 (1143) [JE] 14548 (571) [iJ] 17409 (285) [JE]
cs4 362 (11586) [AMG] 936 (5704) [JE] 1472 (2861) [N/A] 2126 (1448) [N/A] 3110 (704) [iJ] 4196 (362) [iJ]
bcsstk30 6251 (14679) [JE] 16617 (7341) [JE] 34559 (3666) [JE] 70768 (1851) [JE] 117232 (930) [JE] 178578 (465) [JE]
bcsstk31 2676 (18184) [MLSATS] 7879 (8898) [pM4.0] 14426 (4449) [pM4.0] 25160 (2290) [iJ] 38572 (1145) [iJ] 61066 (572) [iJ]
fe_pwt 340 (18260) [GrPart] 704 (9365) [JE] 1436 (4701) [JE] 2784 (2338) [JE] 5606 (1175) [JE] 8346 (587) [iJ]
bcsstk32 4667 (22305) [JE] 9728 (11286) [JE] 21307 (5741) [JE] 38929 (2864) [JE] 64302 (1435) [iJ] 96168 (717) [iJ]
fe_body 262 (22544) [MQI] 703 (11272) [pM4.0] 1197 (5637) [pM4.0] 1981 (2819) [pM4.0] 3223 (1451) [iJ] 5502 (725) [iJ]
t60k 71 (30795) [AMG] 211 (15219) [iJ] 467 (7534) [N/A] 852 (3862) [N/A] 1420 (1922) [iJ] 2258 (958) [iJ]
wing 774 (31824) [MQI] 1636 (15815) [JE] 2551 (7894) [JE] 4015 (3966) [JE] 6028 (1996) [JE] 8161 (978) [iJ]
brack2 684 (32168) [JE] 2864 (16127) [JE] 7080 (8057) [JE] 11958 (4030) [JE] 17952 (2015) [JE] 27345 (1007) [iJ]
finan512 162 (37376) [Ch2.0] 324 (18688) [Ch2.0] 648 (9344) [Ch2.0] 1296 (4672) [Ch2.0] 2592 (2336) [Ch2.0] 10821 (1203) [N/A]
fe_tooth 3792 (40210) [SDP] 7435 (19725) [iJ] 12850 (9767) [iJ] 18435 (4928) [iJ] 26642 (2442) [iJ] 36030 (1257) [iJ]
fe_rotor 1965 (51065) [SDP] 8097 (24905) [Ch2.0] 14028 (12576) [iJ] 20773 (6288) [iJ] 33686 (3144) [iJ] 47972 (1603) [iJ]
598a 2367 (56705) [MQI] 7978 (28520) [N/A] 16031 (14286) [N/A] 26257 (7143) [N/A] 40792 (3571) [N/A] 58454 (1784) [iJ]
fe_ocean 311 (73322) [GrPart] 1704 (36802) [N/A] 4019 (18436) [N/A] 7838 (9223) [N/A] 12746 (4616) [N/A] 21854 (2263) [iJ]
144 6438 (74281) [MQI] 15250 (37037) [N/A] 25611 (18523) [N/A] 38478 (9311) [N/A] 58659 (4521) [iJ] 80894 (2287) [N/A]
wave 8616 (80306) [SDP] 18058 (39395) [iJ] 30895 (20087) [iJ] 46487 (10056) [iJ] 64953 (5027) [iJ] 88383 (2515) [iJ]
m14b 3823 (108879) [MQI] 14013 (53692) [Ch2.0] 27711 (27431) [iJ] 44174 (13785) [iJ] 68468 (6712) [N/A] 101980 (3382) [N/A]
auto 9782 (230275) [SDP] 29158 (112676) [iJ] 48398 (57769) [iJ] 82901 (28256) [iJ] 130310 (14437) [iJ] 180562 (7211) [iJ]

Results with up to 5% imbalance
S_max <= 1.05 x S_opt

graph 2 4 8 16 32 64
add20 551 (1256) [MQI] 1184 (628) [iJ] 1705 (314) [iJ] 2186 (157) [MLSATS] 2758 (76) [JE] 3266 (38) [JE]
data 181 (1497) [SDP] 378 (746) [iJ] 702 (374) [iJ] 1195 (183) [Ch2.0] 1922 (93) [iJ] 2911 (46) [iJ]
3elt 87 (2398) [JE] 199 (1186) [JE] 334 (617) [iJ] 566 (303) [JE] 958 (151) [N/A] 1552 (75) [N/A]
uk 18 (2455) [JE] 41 (1228) [JE] 82 (620) [JE] 154 (308) [N/A] 265 (155) [N/A] 436 (79) [iJ]
add32 10 (2481) [J2.2] 33 (1241) [JE] 69 (621) [JE] 117 (311) [JE] 212 (156) [JE] 624 (80) [pM4.0]
bcsstk33 9914 (4554) [iJ] 21229 (2293) [iJ] 34117 (1145) [iJ] 55546 (551) [iJ] 78821 (286) [iJ] 108249 (143) [iJ]
whitaker3 126 (4908) [JE] 380 (2458) [JE] 658 (1261) [JE] 1092 (630) [JE] 1686 (315) [JE] 2535 (157) [JE]
crack 182 (5224) [AMG] 360 (2616) [JE] 676 (1309) [JE] 1082 (659) [JE] 1679 (329) [N/A] 2590 (168) [iJ]
wing_nodal 1668 (5742) [SDP] 3566 (2796) [JE] 5387 (1429) [MLSATS] 8316 (704) [JE] 12024 (352) [JE] 16102 (179) [iJ]
fe_4elt2 130 (5572) [MRSB] 349 (2786) [JE] 597 (1457) [iJ] 1007 (717) [JE] 1651 (358) [JE] 2516 (182) [iJ]
vibrobox 10310 (6184) [JE] 19245 (3082) [JE] 24158 (1603) [iJ] 31695 (809) [iJ] 41176 (404) [iJ] 50757 (202) [iJ]
bcsstk29 2818 (7008) [GrPart] 8088 (3672) [MLSATS] 15314 (1836) [MLSATS] 24706 (875) [iJ] 36731 (456) [iJ] 58108 (229) [iJ]
4elt 137 (8017) [JE] 319 (3966) [N/A] 527 (2009) [N/A] 916 (1004) [JE] 1537 (502) [JE] 2581 (251) [JE]
fe_sphere 384 (8289) [JE] 766 (4155) [JE] 1152 (2060) [JE] 1692 (1074) [iJ] 2477 (527) [JE] 3547 (263) [JE]
cti 318 (8480) [JE] 917 (4331) [JE] 1716 (2160) [JE] 2778 (1080) [JE] 4236 (542) [iJ] 5907 (276) [iJ]
memplus 5353 (9322) [iJ] 9427 (4652) [MLSATS] 11939 (2241) [iJ] 13279 (1165) [iJ] 14384 (582) [iJ] 17409 (285) [JE]
cs4 356 (11794) [AMG] 936 (5704) [JE] 1472 (2861) [N/A] 2126 (1448) [N/A] 3080 (737) [iJ] 4196 (362) [iJ]
bcsstk30 6251 (14679) [JE] 16617 (7341) [JE] 34559 (3666) [JE] 70768 (1851) [JE] 117232 (930) [JE] 177379 (474) [iJ]
bcsstk31 2676 (18184) [MLSATS] 7879 (8898) [pM4.0] 13561 (4670) [iJ] 24179 (2331) [iJ] 38572 (1145) [iJ] 60446 (583) [iJ]
fe_pwt 340 (18260) [GrPart] 704 (9365) [JE] 1436 (4701) [JE] 2784 (2338) [JE] 5606 (1175) [JE] 8310 (599) [iJ]
bcsstk32 4667 (22305) [JE] 9728 (11286) [JE] 21307 (5741) [JE] 38320 (2923) [iJ] 62961 (1463) [iJ] 96168 (717) [iJ]
fe_body 262 (22544) [MQI] 703 (11272) [pM4.0] 1145 (5885) [iJ] 1833 (2952) [iJ] 3223 (1451) [iJ] 5219 (739) [iJ]
t60k 65 (31437) [SDP] 211 (15219) [iJ] 467 (7534) [N/A] 852 (3862) [N/A] 1420 (1922) [iJ] 2221 (984) [iJ]
wing 770 (32550) [MQI] 1636 (15815) [JE] 2551 (7894) [JE] 4015 (3966) [JE] 6010 (2031) [iJ] 8161 (978) [iJ]
brack2 660 (32600) [SDP] 2808 (16439) [MLSATS] 7080 (8057) [JE] 11958 (4030) [JE] 17952 (2015) [JE] 26944 (1027) [iJ]
finan512 162 (37376) [Ch2.0] 324 (18688) [Ch2.0] 648 (9344) [Ch2.0] 1296 (4672) [Ch2.0] 2592 (2336) [Ch2.0] 10821 (1203) [N/A]
fe_tooth 3773 (40567) [SDP] 7152 (20405) [MLSATS] 12646 (10071) [iJ] 18435 (4928) [iJ] 26016 (2563) [MLSATS] 36030 (1257) [iJ]
fe_rotor 1957 (51783) [SDP] 8097 (24905) [Ch2.0] 13184 (12999) [iJ] 20773 (6288) [iJ] 33686 (3144) [iJ] 47852 (1633) [iJ]
598a 2336 (57855) [MQI] 7978 (28520) [N/A] 16031 (14286) [N/A] 26257 (7143) [N/A] 40179 (3641) [iJ] 58307 (1820) [iJ]
fe_ocean 311 (73322) [GrPart] 1704 (36802) [N/A] 4019 (18436) [N/A] 7838 (9223) [N/A] 12746 (4616) [N/A] 21784 (2353) [iJ]
144 6362 (75917) [SDP] 15250 (37037) [N/A] 25611 (18523) [N/A] 38478 (9311) [N/A] 58142 (4701) [N/A] 80445 (2373) [N/A]
wave 8563 (81841) [MQI] 18058 (39395) [iJ] 30583 (20514) [MLSATS] 44625 (10258) [MLSATS] 63725 (5129) [iJ] 88383 (2515) [iJ]
m14b 3802 (112532) [MQI] 14013 (53692) [Ch2.0] 27711 (27431) [iJ] 44174 (13785) [iJ] 68468 (6712) [N/A] 101385 (3523) [iJ]
auto 9450 (235532) [MQI] 29158 (112676) [iJ] 48221 (58885) [iJ] 82901 (28256) [iJ] 127433 (14722) [iJ] 179464 (7360) [iJ]